Newsletter Article

Help Us Tell Your Story

Key staff: Allison Bradley, Communications Director

In response to state plans that could substantially shift the way Mental Health Services Act dollars are used, CalMHSA has embarked on an ambitious public awareness project to help Californians throughout the state better understand all you do for those in your care, particularly individuals who are unhoused.

If you can share a story about how your department has made a difference in the life of an individual who is unhoused, please send it to us. Stories will be reproduced on a website dedicated to your real experiences with real people.

Please be as specific as possible about the services provided and their impact on an individual, recognizing HIPAA limitations unless you have an individual’s permission to share.

  • If you have stories in other materials (like a video or website), feel free to send those.
  • We’ll take it if you have a great story but can’t share identifying details.
  • These need not be long, as we know your time is in high demand.

Please send your stories in any format to [email protected].


November 20, 2023