Newsletter Article

CalMHSA Research to Support Redesign of Community Planning Process 

Prop. 1 Implementation and Planning 

A major emphasis of CalMHSA’s work with DHCS to implement behavioral health transformation will be helping create tools that support the community planning process for the Behavioral Health Services Act (BHSA), with an emphasis on meaningful community involvement in decision-making. 

To that end, CalMHSA will engage a rigorous research effort that includes a review of regulatory requirements and extensive engagement with key stakeholders. That process began with issuing an RFP for a human-centered design firm to conduct listening sessions across the state in regions of all sizes, scheduled to begin in September.  

Using insights from those listening sessions, CalMHSA will develop templates to be used in designing a stakeholder planning process, to include:  

  • Engaging, informing, and empowering a diverse set of community stakeholders to provide meaningful input into the planning process 
  • Integrating community input into resulting BHSA plans  
  • Developing county-specific “Quick Facts” 
  • Conducting an age, gender and race/ethnicity analysis of the Medi-Cal population 
  • Identifying equity indicators for priority populations (service count, service value, outcomes) 
  • Creating a set of pre-planning tools for counties

Finally, CalMHSA will conduct a series of trainings to support counties’ implementation of the new planning process. 

August 9, 2024