Newsletter Article

Housing Workshop to Emphasize County Sharing, Best Practices 

Prop. 1 Implementation and Planning 

Collaborating with the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to assist counties with implementing behavioral health transformation – a response to voter-approved Prop. 1 – CalMHSA will host an in-person workshop only for county staff on Sept. 5 in Sacramento. The workshop will focus on housing strategies, innovations and funding.  

A key goal of the workshop will be to facilitate a shared learning and problem-solving opportunity for counties to impart their own innovations and lessons learned. To register, visit 

Topics to be covered include:   

  • Models of the Housing Continuum/Innovations 
  • Analytics & Insights: Data Indicators of Community Need, Current Capacity 
  • Budgeting: Tools to Analyze Sustainable Care Models 
  • Application Support: Moving Past the DIY   
  • Building Community to Meet Objectives (Panel Presentation) 
  • Discussion of Regional Needs 

Leading up to the summit, CalMHSA will have conducted more than a dozen interviews with county staff around the state for a broad view of the current housing environment, counties’ goals and concerns, regional-specific issues and technical assistance needs. 

From the summit learnings CalMHSA will identify housing models and develop housing infrastructure mapping that counties can use within their local/regional planning and implementation.  



August 9, 2024