Newsletter Article

EHR Training, Resources Expanded for Counties

Key Staff: John Fitzgerald, Chief Informatics Officer

Nearly two months from the successful and collaborative launch of the new Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, CalMHSA and the 23 counties using the system continue to collaborate and refine the platform and processes that make it a truly innovative tool.

Office Hours

Counties receive project bulletins and updates on select functions and changes, and CalMHSA now hosts office hours tailored to specific user groups: clinical, billing, prescribers and reporting.

Knowledge Base Website

In addition, counties can now access an EHR-specific training website with a comprehensive knowledge base that includes in-depth documentation guides organized by user type — clinical, substance use, prescribers, nursing, inpatient, front desk, billing, contract provider, QA/QI, and system administration. The site’s home page includes quick links to a live support chat, the CalMHSA Learning Management System and the Help Desk to check or update existing issues.

CalMHSA welcomes feedback and additional questions from all users as we continually expand the knowledge base and training opportunities for county staff. Please send your ideas to [email protected].

August 28, 2023