Performance Improvement

Performance improvement in behavioral health care aims to create meaningful, data-informed solutions that optimize clinical and administrative aspects of service delivery. CalMHSA collaborates with counties to engage stakeholders and consumer voices, understand barriers, identify interventions, and develop systems to analyze data and monitor progress over time – with the ultimate goal of improving access to care, as well as quality, equity, and outcomes among diverse people and communities.

BHQIP Incentives

To help counties achieve their CalAIM Behavioral Health Quality Improvement (BHQIP) performance incentives from the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), CalMHSA provided technical assistance and subject matter expertise in the areas of payment reform, documentation redesign, policy implementation, data exchange and analysis, and performance improvement. Most counties that worked with CalMHSA on the BHQIP Program saw improvements in the process toward their incentive payments.

Program Details

Lead Staff:

Dawn Kaiser

Senior Director Managed Care Operations

Email: [email protected]